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Art T-Shirts -

We sell a lot of different kinds of 5-dollar T-shirts. One of our main categories is art T-shirts, a category that now includes dozens of different designs. Perhaps you've wondered what constitutes an art tee, as opposed to something from another category. Our industry understands art T-shirts as those with a certain means of messaging. An art tee does not necessarily portray a known work of art. Some do, most do not. Rather, a tee in the art category presents its message with more subtlety. There are few words and a greater use of imagery instead. Here are a few...

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Meme T-Shirts -

There is no escaping the fact that we are a culture of memes. They are everywhere. Memes existed before social media, but sites like Facebook and Twitter have given them a life of their own. You are nothing these days if you are not up on the latest memes. We hate to ask, but do you have a favorite meme? There are so many great ones to choose from that picking a favorite isn't as easy as it sounds. Check out our meme T-shirt collection for a few helpful hints. Maybe you will find one that you really loved when...

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Vampire T-Shirts -

Have you ever seen a genuine vampire slaying kit? If not, you are not alone. The kits are a curious oddity among true believers in the vampire legend. There aren't a lot of them around these days. However, they were apparently quite popular in the mid to late 19th century. One such kit was sold by Hanson’s Auctioneers back in July. The Derbyshire, England auction house was anticipating a sale price ranging from $2,500 to $3,770. Whether or not they got that much is unclear. What is clear is that the individual pieces of the kit are pretty old. More...

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Anime T-Shirts -

Among our large selection of low-priced tees is our inventory of anime T-shirts. If you are familiar with the anime genre, you know just what to expect from these shirts. If you are new to anime, you may not understand just how prevalent it is. Suffice it to say that anime is officially a worldwide phenomenon. Have you ever wondered why anime is so appealing to so many people? No one really knows for sure, but plenty of suggestions have been offered by artists, scientists, and anthropologists alike. We did a little digging around and discovered some interesting things ourselves....

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Cheap T-shirts are our bread and butter. If it were not for the universal love of this particular piece of clothing, 5-Dollar Tees wouldn't exist. As such, it is with deep gratitude that we honor the T-shirt wearers of the world with a tribute to the most famous of them all. To that end, we present our T-shirt Hall of Fame. Here are the five most famous T-shirt wearers of all time: 1. Mark Zuckerberg Facebook creator and CEO Mark Zuckerberg takes the top spot for single-handedly making plain T-shirts a pop-culture icon among the millennial class. Zuckerberg is rarely...

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