What Constitutes an Art T-Shirt?

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What Constitutes an Art T-Shirt?

We sell a lot of different kinds of 5-dollar T-shirts. One of our main categories is art T-shirts, a category that now includes dozens of different designs. Perhaps you've wondered what constitutes an art tee, as opposed to something from another category.

Our industry understands art T-shirts as those with a certain means of messaging. An art tee does not necessarily portray a known work of art. Some do, most do not. Rather, a tee in the art category presents its message with more subtlety. There are few words and a greater use of imagery instead.

Here are a few examples from our own inventory:

1. Tarot Card – The Fool

This particular T-shirt features the image of the Fool tarot card. It represents one example of an art T-shirt depicting a well-known work. If you know about tarot cards, you are familiar with his image. But even if not, the image itself presents a very clear message without the need for a lot of words.

The image depicts a rather carefree man on the edge of a cliff with the bright sun overhead. He is not paying attention to where he is walking, thus he is about to plunge off the cliff and into the raging sea below. Underneath is the caption 'The Fool'.

Even if you know nothing about tarot cards, the image itself says it all. A person who walks through life without a care in the world is a fool. Someone who fails to pay attention to the world around him is equally foolish.

2. Ultimate Hipster

Our Ultimate Hipster T-shirt doesn't depict a well-known work of art. In fact, it is a safe bet you've never seen the image before – unless you regularly browse our website. Yet even though the image appears completely random and generic, it depicts a very powerful message.

There are only two words on this T-shirt: ULTIMATE HIPSTER. In relation to the rest of the image, the wording is fairly small. But underneath the title is the image of a well-groomed man sporting a full beard and a handlebar mustache. He is wearing a bright blue collared shirt with black suspenders and a bow tie.

You can look at this image and instantly understand the entire hipster concept. It is all there. In fact, the image is so well done you would be able to identify the character as a hipster even without a title over his head. It is that good.

3. Hammer and Sickle

The red hammer and sickle is perhaps one of the most recognized political symbols of the modern era. Whether you agree with the philosophy behind it or not, there's no escaping the fact that the symbol is known around the world. Choose to display it in any form and you don't need any words to go with it. It just is.

4. Bitcoin

Our last example is a T-shirt that features the Bitcoin symbol against a black background. You might not agree that this is art but remember that an art T-shirt doesn't have to depict an actual piece of art to fall under this category. It simply has to present a message using more imagery than text. The Bitcoin T-shirt certainly fits the bill.

Even if your knowledge of Bitcoin is limited, it is likely you at least recognize the symbol. Seeing it conjures up all sorts of thoughts about cryptocurrency and the future cashless society. The image alone is powerful enough to get you thinking without having to read anything.

We have plenty of art T-shirts among our low-priced tees collection. Have you found something you like?

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